Use the online Benefit Estimator at to calculate your weekly benefit amount. If you do not qualify using the standard base period, an alternate base period (the last 4 completed calendar quarters) may be used. Onlineresumes expire 12 months after posting. In Hawaii, the standard base period is the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters. Your onlineresume must be posted within 7 days of filing your UI claim. NSA - Fort Gordon, GA NSA/CSS Hawaii Kunia, HI Fort George G. You are required to have an active online resume in HireNetHawaii for the entire time you are filing for UI benefits.

SIDES E-Response: Respond to Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ). eWOTC: Submit, view, and manage Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Request for Certification Applications.
#Ui online hawaii update
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